Thursday 11 August 2016

Never Forget!

Thursday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time. Year II (St Clare, Virgin). 
Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Never Forget!
Ezek.12:1-12; Matt.18:21-19:1

Most human beings are forgetful. We go to confession always, yet we take God's mercy and grace for granted. We want people to be patient with us, though we're hardly patient with others. 
We want others to understand us, and forgive us when we wrong them, but we hardly forgive others ourselves. Is it not surprising that the one whose debt of a thousand talents was cancelled by his master, could not cancel one hundred denarii that his colleague owed him? How could he forget so soon? 
Friends, we need to learn to let go of the hurts, pains, and grudges we nurse. It's time to stop being the problem. 
St Clare wasn't interested in possessions. She never gave in to greed. In 1215, she obtained from the Pope the 'privilege' of owning nothing, so that the nuns of her order were to be sustained by alms and nothing else. See? In the end, what matters will not be the landed property that we're willing to kill or die for, nor the money in our bank accounts. What matters will be the many times we tried to forgive those who hurt us; the many times we refused to be too attached to material possessions; and the many times we never forgot the deeds of the Lord.
Good Evening Friends. God Bless The Rest Of Your Day. St Clare, show us the way to detachment, Amen.

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