Saturday 29 October 2016

The Fear Of The Cockroach

Take a good look at that picture. I believe i'm not alone in saying that the creature is a bit SCARY. I mean come on these guys are disgusting..... You all have to agree with me (salute to any individual out there that find them appetizing).

Anyway so last night i had decided to take a bath again, thanks to the heatwave (yes it was that bad) that engulfed the night (and the tap water was even warm.... hiss... waste of precious time). The moment i pulled the shower curtain, who decided to make his presence felt? Mr. Roach - in all his glory.

Naturally, i reacted the best way i know how when i see one.... that is.... talking to Mr Roach like he understands a word i'm saying (preparing him for the death he is about receive), picked a shoe from my rack and BAMMMM!!!!!! i slam dunked the life outta Mr Roach and proceeded to taking a bath (yet nothing changed with the heat).

When it was time to finally call it a night (oh i must add, i'm Commissioner Nocturnal), i walked into the dark room, felt my duvet and picked it up to dust it (force of habit), only for something to jump out of the duvet towards me (like the prisoners in Escape From Sobibor scrambling to escape from the Extermination Camp).

Immediately, my defense kicked in (those PE Classes in primary school were really beneficial) as i leaped out of the ground in a show of true athleticism and at the same time attempted to squash the head of what my sixth sense believed was Mrs Roach, seeking revenge at the killing of her darling husband Mr Roach.

To my amazement, the moment Mrs Roach stopped moving, i got confused because i know i hadn't made contact just yet (or maybe she was gearing up for a slugfest with yours truly) . Now, turning on the light to check on her supposed lifeless body, it turns out  (get this) that it was just my black mini wall adapter that had jumped at me (ah not fun... someone obviously left this on my bed and mixed it up with the duvet, almost gave me a mini heart attack).

Oh well, on the bright side, i did get to do a bit of a workout before calling it a night. I apologise to the calories that got burnt unintentionally. Your sibling calories will be duly notified ahead of their annihilation.

OK BYE!!!!!

This is my reality. My truth syrup. My mind's eye!!!!

By O-Mat*

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