Friday, 15 July 2016

My Reflections Today - Praise Fowowe

A friend of mine sent this to me earlier today. Decided to share.

My Reflections Today - Praise Fowowe

So we all woke up to another terror attack in France and this time it was done through a truck that ran into innocent people who were celebrating their national holiday.
I spent a few minutes to meditate on this evil and the ones around our nation masquerading as herdsmen attack and it dawned on me that there is a terrorist in all of us even if it's at a lower level and lower terrorism is what becomes a threat to the peace of the world.

At the root of any form of evil is an ideology and at the root of ideology is an idea made popular or sold by respected teachers.
- How often do we call folks who don't subscribe to our ideology infidels?
- How often do we rate folks who don't attend our religious house as unspiritual?
- How many people have we sentenced and accredited to hell fire simply because we don't understand their way of life?
- How often do we pride ourselves as believers and others as unbelievers simply because they don't subscribe to our ideals?
- How many times have you judged people based on their weakness and condemn them even when you have logs in your eyes?

Everything that has turned us against ourselves has got nothing to do with God; they were all man made ideologies invented by folks who are simply out to promote superiority of concept and not the dignity of humanity.

Anything that's is of God will not condemn or sentence another man whose relationship with God you don't have any clue of.

Terrorism starts the moment we insist our way is the only way and condemn others even when we can clearly see God at work in them.
No wonder every religion has got a dress code, doctrines and denominations who can't even agree with one another.

The solution to all these crisis is so easy and it's summarized as LOVE yet mankind have chosen a more difficult option called HATE.

When next you are told to label and judge someone else who is made in God's image resist that counsel and team up with your brothers to build a world that is habitable for all to live after all it is written, "The Lion and Lamb shall dine together and there shall be no hurt on my holy mountain for the universe shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea".

I Honour You!

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