Tuesday 26 July 2016

Reflection For Today - Love Not Fear!

Tuesday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time. Year II (Memorial of Sts Joachim and Anne, Parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary)
Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Love, Not Fear! 
Jer.14:17-22; Matt.13:36-43

I remember I was always scared of my dad. I could negotiate with my mom, so I wasn't scared of her. This fear made me limit my pranks whenever he was around. 
My parents patiently moulded my person; and  over time, fear became love. The Blessed Virgin Mary did not fall off from heaven. She was born and brought up by Joachim and Anne. Mary accepted to be mother of God because of the strength of the Holy Spirit. However, the wisdom to listen to the Holy Spirit must have come from her upbringing. She was motivated by love, not fear.

I have seen persons who are motivated to do good because of the fear of hell. This is so wrong. It's love for God and appreciation for his goodness in our lives that should motivate us to do good. 

Friends, the first reading today encourages us to hope only in God. Then we wouldn't have to worry when the time comes to separate the wheat from the chaff. We pray for parents all over the world, that through their love and care, children may come to appreciate God's love for them better than ever before, Amen.

Good Evening Friend. God Bless The Rest Of Your Day. Sts Joachim and Anne, Pray For Us!

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