Monday 8 August 2016

Persuasive Preaching Is Key!

Monday of the Nineteenth Week in Ordinary Time. Year II (St Dominic, Priest). 
Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Persuasive Preaching Is Key!

Ezek.1:2-5,24-28; Matt.17:22-27

If you're Catholic, there's a high chance that you've run into Dominicans at one point or the other. The long hooded white cassocks, the large rosary beads, tucked around leather belts (and sometimes) the long beards, are all 'trademarks' of Dominicans. 
As a seminarian then in Ibadan, I saw Dominicans almost on a daily basis. St. Dominic founded the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) in 1216. He refuted the wrong teaching of the Albigensians; that all 'matter' is evil. Today, Dominicans dedicate their lives to saving souls by persuasive preaching. They somehow manage to remain in the world, while maintaining their monastic identity amidst individual and community poverty.
We see the perfect persuasive preacher in Jesus Christ, who remained actively in the world, while maintaining his identity as Son of God. In today's gospel reading, he teaches both Peter and the collectors of the half shekel a lesson. He knew he was not supposed to pay tax. He made that clear enough. Then he went ahead to pay, in order not to offend the tax collectors. He didn't pay outright. He put things straight first, then he asked Peter to get the shekel from a fish's mouth for both of them. Friends, sometimes, it's easier and most effective to consider the feelings of people when we try to correct them. We may not need to pull long faces, throw tantrums, and ignite "holy fire" just to prove ourselves right. 

Good Evening Friends. God Bless Your Week Ahead! St Dominic, Pray For Us

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