Wednesday 21 September 2016

Living Lives Worthy Of Our Vocation

Wednesday of the Twenty-Fifth Week in Ordinary Time. 
Year II (Feast of St Matthew, Apostle). 
Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese) 

Living Lives Worthy of Our Vocation!
Eph.4:1-7,11-13; Matt.9:9-13

This is perhaps the most difficult advise to put into practice. While it is true that many apostles and disciples of Christ are doing their best today, there are still those who have become messengers without a message. 

They have completely forgotten why God called and chose them. In their confusion, they have become prey to the devil, and a menace to the flock of God. God wants them back... 

No one is called perfect, but all are called to perfection. We see this clearly in Matthew's call. Jesus called this tax collector and sinner, came to his home, sat amongst his friends, and ate with them. He is interested in souls that have lost the way; souls that are sick with worldly distractions and desires. With this in mind, let us approach God's throne of Mercy, ask pardon for our sins, and begin living lives worthy of our vocations. 

Good Evening Friends. God bless your always. St Matthew, pray for us sinners, that we may become righteous. 

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