Tuesday 27 September 2016

Vincent De Paul

Tuesday of the Twenty-Sixth Week in Ordinary Time. 
Year II (Memorial of St Vincent De Paul). 
Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)

St Vincent The Poor?
Job 3:1-3,11-17,20-23; Luke 9:51-56

When I was a lot younger, I couldn't exactly tell the difference between Vincent De Paul, and Vincent the Poor. All I heard was the latter. And I always wondered how apt it was that one who was so concerned with the poor was named after the poor. I never realised he was in fact Vincent De Paul, and not Vincent the Poor
You probably have heard about the Vincentians, or the Sisters of Charity. These are holy men and women who actually do something about the many poor people around, after the example of Vincent De Paul. 
Friends, it is true that sometimes the devil may tempt us to the point of frustration, as he did Job. But rather than curse God, Job stays steadfast, preferring to curse himself and the day he was born. It is true that sometimes we desire to bring fire down from heaven to burn our enemies as James and John wanted to do in the gospel reading. But Jesus rebukes them and decides to go through another village. Friends, service to the poor and compassion towards one another, no matter the cost; that's what we need in our world today. Will you do your bit? 

St Vincent De Paul, Pray For Us.

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