Monday 13 March 2017

FREEDOM - What Does It Mean?

Freedom is your Perception of Life, Void of the Influence of Circumstances of the World.

Freedom is finding Inner Peace in a World filled with Misery.

Thursday 9 March 2017

United Diversity

Our unity is our diversity. In an attempt to make us whole, we exposed our diversity. What was made to keep us together, tore us apart. No region is exempted from this soap opera. If an Eastern happens to be at the summit of power, what do you think happens to that region and it's inhabitants? And that cuts across the North, South and West. It's no different.

Monday 27 February 2017

Memo From A Disgruntled Employee To The HR Manager

Good Morning Sir,

My believe is that you had a great night rest. I won't go around in circles so i'll just get straight to the point. I think it's highly unfair how the administrative department and the utility staff go about their daily activities. For one, both departments are informed when members of staff are taken out of the office on official assignment and are also aware that there is a specific time for their return which means the provision of a vehicle and a driver, unless otherwise specified. 

There seems to be a huge communication gap between members of both departments and i'd advise that this is sorted out to prevent tempers flaring or rubbing people the wrong way. If a driver is going encounter any form of delay (planned or not), he should endeavor to inform the staff members waiting on him on the reason behind his delay. If he doesn't have airtime to call (which seems to be the chunk of excuses from every single one of them), it is in everyone's best interest that he informs the administrative manager of his plight and get him to contact the expectant staff of the situation and not leaving them in the dark. It is down right irritating be left in the dark. 

I suggest the administrative manager prepare a roster especially for staff that go out daily and return at a specific time. I apologize if anything I've written is perceived as disrespectful (that's not my intention) but I've been quite for far too long, tolerated their level of incompetency and they have gotten on my last nerve and i believe it's about time this attitude be addressed. Thank you.

Kind Regards,

The Disgruntled Employee.

This is my reality. My truth syrup. My mind's eye!!!!

By O-Mat*

Friday 24 February 2017

Marriage Is All About Faithfulness & Friendship

The best marriage is that which the couples are best friends to each other. It is a grave irony to be married to someone and have another person as a best friend. Such outside-friendships destroy marriages silently and they always create room for temptations to infidelity. Sometimes, we maintain such friendship in the name of seeking advice but even as our first reading says, “Let your advisers be one in a thousand.” 
As the book of Ecclesiasticus explains, there are different types of friends and somehow even in marriage, these types of friends exist. There is a friend who is there only for convenience and will not stand by you in the day of trouble. Ask yourself, if your spouse gets locked up in prison, will you still stay and remain faithful in the marriage? There is also a friend who changes into an enemy and will disclose a quarrel to your disgrace. How often do spouses go about narrating issues before the world? You cannot be fighting your spouse in the name of seeking for justice; that would mean transforming yourself from lover to enemy. Again, there is a friend who is only faithful in the time of prosperity but walks away when poverty comes. It is sad to say that many have married for the sake of money only to end the marriage when money was no longer forth coming.
“A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he that has found one has found a treasure; there is nothing as precious as a faithful friend.” The question of divorce will never arise if couples decide to be faithful friends to one another through thick and thin; remaining deeply committed to each other for better for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer till death do them apart. By His very nature, God is against divorce. This is because to divorce a person means to give up on a person and despite our sinfulness and unworthiness, God does not give up on us. Since God never gives up on anyone, He does not expect us to give up on our spouses no matter how bad they are or become. 
I understand that what I am saying is very difficult to practice, in fact, in Matthew’s Gospel, when Jesus preached it, even his disciples were shocked and exclaimed: “if that is the case, then it is better not to marry at all.” Dear friends, with God all things are possible. Nothing is beyond repair when God is involved. God will never give up on your marriage as long you yourself refuse to give up. Hang on there even when things are difficult. Divorce is not a solution.
Fr. Evaristus Abu.

Friday 17 February 2017

Speaking From The Heart

Ronald walked through the backdoor of the three bedroom apartment he shares with his wife and their three months old baby boy. He was trying to avoid the interaction that would ensue with his neighbors who were having a get together with their friends and family. Although this move was uncanny, it was accepted by his wife but she couldn’t miss the hurt in his eyes when he spoke, even though he tried so hard to appear courageous. He looked dejected and downcast. Pushed a little further by his wife, he finally opened up that he had just had his last day with the company he works for. He had only been informed of this situation less than an hour to the close of business for the day by the Human Resources Manager.

Reflection - The Cure For Anger

So Cain was very angry, and his face was downcast. Then the LORD said to Cain, “Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it.” Genesis 4:5-7.  God himself spoke to Cain as he speaks to us today, “sin is crouching at your door… but you must master it.” 

Thursday 10 November 2016

I'm Just Saying

In a bid to attain unmerited fame / publicity, unimaginable measures are employed. Why prey on the vulnerability of another? Give up the appeal of trust in the mindset of others? Why betray the confidentiality of a supposed friend for selfish interest?
Not everyone can take the heat, so they don’t bother going into the kitchen.
So you lean back on your sofa, with a glass of wine on your left hand, beat your chest with right hand and smile at your heinous accomplishment, like the rich fool in the bible, believing that the fame you sorted has finally walked in....... Reality check, it’s only short lived.
Please note: karma has taken a front row seat just around your door step. Be receptive when she knocks else she'll find her way in and the confrontation won’t be pleasant.
We live in a world filled with self-indulged individuals that jump at the chance of staking a claim to be holier than thou. The saddest part is how the world generally embraces the narrative of a dubious mind, forgetting to uphold the gift of humanity. It’s a one sided perspective. Before throwing stones in the market place, investigate every detail to the barest minimum and then draw your conclusion. By the way, why judge at all? Who among us is without sin? Who hasn’t wronged another or hurt a few? 

Mind Your Own Business.... I'm Just Saying.

O - Mat