Wednesday 27 July 2016

Evening Reflection - Eyes On The Prize

Wednesday of the Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time. Year II. 
Reflection by Rev Fr Oselumhense Anetor (Uromi Diocese)
Don't Lose Sight of the Treasure!
Jer.15:10,16-21; Matt.13:44-46

Gold, Silver, Bronze, Diamonds, Pearls, etc are all useless to us if no one knows their value. 
I remember one song I usually heard in Church from the Charismatic choir when I was growing up in my parish Church; "never lose that your vision of Jesus, keep your eyes ever on him, many precious beloved once they lose their way, and they lose their vision of him..." 
Don't know if I remember the lyrics correctly, but the message of the song is clear. *KEEP YOUR EYES FIXED ON HIM!*
Is it not natural for us to feel vulnerable, hopeless and abandoned when we move away from God's presence? In the first reading, we're assured that great things happen when we return to God's service. So resist the temptations to go back to evil, and you'll never be defeated. This is worth doing, since the Kingdom of God is treasure worth more than silver and gold. Nothing the world has to offer can be compared to it. Are you with me?

Good Evening Friends. God Bless Your Heart

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